Všetko o blížiacej sa SIGNAll_FM NIGHT a novinky od EastColors, Getz&Diagram, Command Strange, Nuage, aj domácich Keosz & Trilo.
Drum&bass z celého sveta a novinky od EastColors, Getz&Diagram, Command Strange, Nuage, ale aj domácej dvojice Keosz & Trilo. Hlavná téma vysielania však patrila blížiacej sa SIGNAll_FM NIGHT s The Insiders (UK). Hrali sme aj tracky jednotlivých účinkujúcich (Smote, Jay Rome, The Insiders) a odznel novučký mixovaný set Bena Soundscape (The Insiders), ktorý odohral počas svojho nedávneho turné po USA v Seattle.
Ben Soundscape from The Insiders (UK)
- Getz & Diagram – Pyrexia (Interactive, 2012)
- EastColors – Go To Nowhere (Enei Remix) (Phunkfiction, 2012)
- Nuage – Above Time (IM:LTD, 2012)
- Command Strange – Forgive (Fokuz, 2012)
- Furney – If I Had (Sheer Velocity, 2012)
- EastColors Feat. Clarity – Someone To Count On (Phunkfiction, 2012)
- Keosz & Trilo – Pride (Fokuz LTD, 2012)
- Smote – Biorhythms (Celsius, 2012)
- The Insiders – Limelight (Intrigue, 2011)
- Paul SG & Jay Rome – Ocean Drive (Blu Saphir, 2011)
- Calyx & Teebee – Hurting (Instrumental) (RAM, 2012)
- Photek & Kuru – Fountainhead (!K7, 2012)
Mixed set:
- Ben Soundscape (The Insiders) – Seattle Live 2012