Konečne vydaný singel 'Brave Man' od June Miller, Mortem, Commix, Survival, Hybrid Minds, alebo flashback s Ram Trilogy.
Konečne vydaný singel 'Brave Man' od June Miller, Mortem, Commix, Survival, Hybrid Minds, alebo flashback s Ram Trilogy. To všetko a ešte viac odznelo 20. januára v drum&bassovej show SIGNAll_FM. Hosťom v štúdiu bol český dj M4y4, s ktorým sme fajn pokecali za mikrofónom a za gramcami ukázal svoje djské skillz v skoro hodinovom sete.
M4y4 (CZ), Foto: Shadowbox
- Commix – Fallen (Free)
- June Miller & Rolling Mafia Feat. Case – Bright Lights (Sonorous, 2012)
- Abiotic/Detail – Hypnosis (Soundium X, 2012)
- Mortem – Converter (IM:LTD, 2013)
- June Miller – Brave Man (Sonorous, 2012)
- Hybrid Minds – Warm Winters (Allsorts, 2012)
- Nitri – Survivors (Horizons, 2012)
- Calyx & Teebee – Elevate This Sound (The Hills Have Ears Remix) (d:ViSiON Mashup, 2012)
- Survival & Silent Witness – Feel It (Dispatch, 2013)
- Ram Trilogy – Huggy Bear (RAM, 2002)
- Gang Colours – To Repel Ghosts (Brownswood Recordings, 2012)
Mixed set:
M4y4 – Live @ SIGNAll_FM (20.01.2013)
- Ed Rush & Optical - Point Blank
- Borderline - Meteorite
- C4C - Luca
- Icicle - Cold Revenge
- Amoss - Rollpipe
- Mortem - Revolta
- Amoss - Locked In
- Fortran - Sardines (Bad Company remix)
- Nymfo & BSE - Battlefish
- Enei - Movin Fast (June Miller remix)
- Mindscape - Bubblegun
- Borderline - Turnover
- D-Bridge - Pipe Dreams
- Enei & Eastcolours - 2012
- Silent Witness & Break - The Hills Have Ears
- Nymfo - Under Fire
- Ulterior Motive & FD - Drum Circle
- Ed Rush & Optical - Medicine (Matrix remix)
- Enei - Runnin (feat. Georgie Yates)
- Break - Kicked to Death